Enjoy nutrient packed eggs with peace of mind knowing that were produced in a cruelty-free and free-range environment. Certified by ORITAIN and recognised by SPCA, Pams Free Range Eggs are your versatile pantry favourite!
Pams eggs are independently audited to ensure they meet strict animal welfare standards. We’re also excited to announce that Pams Free Range eggs are now a part of the Trace My Egg program – where you can enter the code stamped on your eggs to learn more about your egg’s journey. This is just one of the steps Pams takes during the free-range egg journey to maintain animal-friendly egg production.
To trace your egg, simply visit tracemyegg.co.nz, enter the stamped code and find out exactly what farm your eggs came from, whereabouts they were farmed in New Zealand, and how they were produced.
While you’re here, keep an out for our new barn-laid eggs packaging! Pams Barn Hens roam indoors freely, and their eggs are farmed locally in New Zealand in compliance with the Animal Welfare (Layer Hens) Code of Welfare 2018.
From brunch to baking, frittata to carbonara, what’s your favourite way to eat eggs?
Check out our article on cooking café-style eggs at home.